
the Seize City serial murders: ender's virtues

set stage: man with horn
set stage: man with violin
set stage: man with drum

the rain like citrus fruit crushed
on the colander sky. This car is a lander;
its landing, a finger; the contact point
is not wheels on pavement;
it is a finger, white gloved;
in a long stroke on the moon;
condesention and tough love.

source: woman, eyes wide
source: man, bayonet hand
source: signature visible, corner of Wayland and Grand
source: waltz and march, game and watch, sleep and hunt

the sky be witness; soak it up;
the ground be witness; soak it up;
this place withheld; soak it up; with this:
color a place; circle works-
square unstable, line unviable;
dark as one can but one has been trained;
trained to meet this demand;
make the void-ovum, put head and hands
and body inside, put head and hands and
body aside; still when one is soaked through
by the blackerthanblack; in the stillness
of this place which means calmness;
still, in this respite from guilt and madness;
where she cannot; here she is, to the left,
and backlit, backlit; a candle impossible,
her mouth moves where all is static;
in this vacuum of thought is this mind;
where all is silent sound comes out;
with no air to carry her voice;
with no body to carry her spine;
in this vacuum of thought is this mind;
speaking of to these crimes of mine;
speaking of choices; to live or to die;
run pogrom: "decide"